The CUInsight Experience
The CUInsight Experience podcast is hosted by Randy Smith, co-founder of CUInsight.com, and co-hosted by Jill Nowacki, founder, president, and CEO of Humanidei. In each episode, they engage in wide-ranging conversations about credit unions, leadership lessons, and life. Join them as they dive deep into topics that help us become better leaders and strengthen our movement, uncovering valuable insights that we can all learn from.
The CUInsight Experience
Leigh Brady - Difference Makers (#191)
“As credit unions, what we do and why we do it, is incredibly important.” - Leigh Brady
Thank you for tuning in to episode 191 of The CUInsight Experience podcast with your host, Randy Smith, co-founder of CUInsight.com. This episode is brought to you by Velera, formerly PSCU/Co-op Solutions, the nation’s premier payments credit union service organization and an integrated financial technology solutions provider. Velera serves more than 4,000 financial institutions throughout North America, operating with velocity to help its clients keep pace with the rapid momentum of change and fuel growth in the new era of financial services.
My guest on today’s show is Leigh Brady, President & CEO of State Employees Credit Union (SECU) in North Carolina. Leigh shares her career journey that started at SECU over 36 years ago, having grown through the ranks to becoming the President and CEO. Leigh believes people are our biggest strength and the difference makers within the financial services industry.
During our conversation, Leigh discusses challenges credit unions face today and how we can overcome them. She expresses the value in taking risks and innovating to meet members needs based on feedback. Leigh shares the lasting impact mentors have had on her career and advises those working towards a leadership role. Listen as we discuss the power of people, servant leadership, and innovating to drive our movement forward.
As we wrap up the show, listen as Leigh talks about her dad and his positive impact on others, being intentional with your time, and her book recommendation. Enjoy my conversation with Leigh Brady!
Find the full show notes on cuinsight.com.
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Books mentioned on The CUInsight Experience podcast: Book List
How to find Leigh:
Leigh Brady, President & CEO of State Employees’ Credit Union
Leigh: LinkedIn
SECU: LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube