The CUInsight Experience
The CUInsight Experience podcast is hosted by Randy Smith, co-founder of, and co-hosted by Jill Nowacki, founder, president, and CEO of Humanidei. In each episode, they engage in wide-ranging conversations about credit unions, leadership lessons, and life. Join them as they dive deep into topics that help us become better leaders and strengthen our movement, uncovering valuable insights that we can all learn from.
204 episodes
Authenticity with Mike Valentine (#204)
“As long as you take your job seriously and not yourself seriously, you’re ok.” - Mike ValentineWelcome to episode 204 of The CUInsight Experience podcast...
Season 7
Episode 204
Create or Innovate (#203)
“Looking out a couple years, your strategic plan may still be viable, but it sure has to be flexible.” - Randy SmithWelcome to episode 203 of The CUInsight Ex...
Season 7
Episode 203
Expecting the Best (#202)
“Recognize your own humanity and give yourself the resources you need to cultivate optimism.” - Jill NowackiWelcome to episode 202 of The CUInsight Experienc...
Season 7
Episode 202
Life is Short? (#201)
“There's nothing we can do today that makes tomorrow happen exactly how we think...” - Jill NowackiWelcome to episode 201 of The CUInsight Experience podcast wi...
Season 7
Episode 201
Jill & Randy - Human-Centric (#200)
“Stay authentic to your path.” - Jill NowackiThank you for tuning in to episode 200 of The CUInsight Experience podcast with your host, Randy Smith, co-founder ...
Season 6
Episode 200

Cathie Mahon - Empower Communities (#199)
“Our job is to encourage credit unions to reach underserved markets and show them how it can be a huge growth strategy.” - Cathie MahonThank you for tuning in to episode 199 of
Season 6
Episode 199

Sekou Bermiss - Building Resilience (#198)
“A good leader will create conversation by being honest about what they believe, even if they know people will disagree with it.” - Sekou BermissThank you for tuning in to episode 198 of
Season 6
Episode 198

Renée Sattiewhite - Think Global (#197)
“Learn to listen and be a collaborator.” - Renée SattiewhiteThank you for tuning in to episode 197 of The CUInsight Experience podcast with your host, Randy Smith, co-founder of...
Season 6
Episode 197

Samantha Beeler - Change Challenge (#196)
“The biggest thing credit unions need is grit.” - Samantha BeelerThank you for tuning in to episode 196 of The CUInsight Experience podcast with your host, Randy Smith, co-found...
Season 6
Episode 196

Michael Crowl - Curiosity Focus (#195)
“At the heart of every digital transformation is cultural transformation.” - Michael CrowlThank you for tuning in to episode 195 of The CUInsight Experience podcast with your ho...
Season 6
Episode 195

Lauren Culp - Transitions (#194)
“Push the envelope. Don't let your role, your organization, our industry as a whole become stagnant.” - Lauren CulpThank you for tuning in to episode 194 of The CUInsight Experience...
Season 6
Episode 194

Robbie Young - You Matter (#193)
“When we take a minute to help ourselves, that leaves us in a better place to support others.” - Robbie YoungThank you for tuning in to episode 193 of The CUInsight Experience p...
Season 6
Episode 193

Pamela Barnum - Tactical Influence (#192)
“Trust exists at the crossroads of confidence and empathy.” - Pamela BarnumThank you for tuning in to episode 192 of The CUInsight Experience podcast with your host, Randy Smith...
Season 6
Episode 192

Leigh Brady - Difference Makers (#191)
“As credit unions, what we do and why we do it, is incredibly important.” - Leigh BradyThank you for tuning in to episode 191 of The CUInsight Experience podcast with your host,...
Season 6
Episode 191

Jill Nowacki - Friction (#190)
“We have to listen to people to understand their experience.” - Jill NowackiThank you for tuning in to episode 190 of The CUInsight Experience podcast with your host, Randy Smit...
Season 6
Episode 190

John Hope Bryant - Financial Dignity (#189)
“It takes five percent of people to make a difference.” - John Hope BryantThank you for tuning in to episode 189 of The CUInsight Experience podcast with your host, Randy Smith,...
Season 6
Episode 189

Tobi Weingart - Transformative Learning (#188)
“Our opportunity is to figure out how to retain and elevate talent within our movement.” - Tobi WeingartThank you for tuning in to episode 188 of The CUInsight Exper...
Season 6
Episode 188

Lisa Florian - Better Futures (#187)
“Inspire people to grow and use their potential.” - Lisa FlorianThank you for tuning in to episode 187 of The CUInsight Experience podcast with your host, Randy ...
Season 6
Episode 187

Tim Anderson - Transform People (#186)
“A great leader starts with empathy.” - Tim AndersonThank you for tuning in to episode 186 of The CUInsight Experience podcast with your host, Randy Smith,...
Season 6
Episode 186

Tony Hernandez - Multiple Voices (#185)
“We maintain our sense of purpose in serving our country.” - Tony HernandezThank you for tuning in to episode 185 of The CUInsight Experience podcast with your h...
Season 6
Episode 185

Jennifer Borowy - Heart to Serve (#184)
“We have a special opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives.” - Jennifer BorowyThank you for tuning in to episode 184 of The CUInsight Experience podca...
Season 6
Episode 184

Hector Martin - Future Vision (#183)
Always go back to the roots of your ‘why’.” - Hector MartinThank you for tuning in to episode 183 of The CUInsight Experience podcast with your host, Randy Smith...
Season 6
Episode 183

Brent Rempe - Lead with Heart (#182)
“Listen, learn, and co-create a future together.” - Brent RempeThank you for tuning in to episode 182 of The CUInsight Experience podcast with your host, Randy S...
Season 6
Episode 182